1.2.1. Keys
The car has couple of identical keys opening all locks of the car. You store a spare key in the safe place, With itself it is enough to have one key. Number of a key is visible on the label delivered together with keys, or directly on keys. You store a label with number (the additional equipment) in the safe place. This number is required for production of new keys in case of loss original.
Immobilizer (additional equipment)
This system is intended to prevent stealing of the car by blocking of start of the engine. The engine is launched only by the original ignition key sending the confidential code programmed in it to an immobilizer. The key is transferred by a code in system at its installation in the provision of "ON". If excess spare keys are necessary, address the local dealer of Suzuki. The car has to be programmed under spare keys. The keys produced in the handicraft method will not work.
If after installation of the ignition key in the provision of "ON" the indicator bulb of system of an immobilizer – and in case of its absence, the malfunction indicator starts blinking, it testifies to possible malfunction of a key or system of an immobilizer in general. Ask for the help experts of Suzuki.
Having lost a code key, address immediately the dealer of Suzuki for the dezaktivirovaniye lost and the order of a new key.
You hold code keys of other cars equipped with an immobilizer far away from the car ignition lock they can break work of an immobilizer.
Immobilayzerny systems of the RI-22JSZ model for the petrol engine and K08CI01C for the diesel meet the main requirements and other provisions "Directives 1999/5/of the EU".
Signaling device "About the key forgotten in the ignition lock" (the additional equipment)
The faltering sound of a buzzer will remind the owner of need to take out a key from the ignition lock when the driver's door opens.