1.2.10. Benzonalivno hatch
Fig. 1.26. Location and opening of the petrolbulk hatch
The petrolbulk hatch is at the left in a back part of the car. It opens with the help a rychazhka, the seat of the driver (fig. 1.26) located from the outer side. The hatch is locked automatically when closing.
Open a stopper of a tank slowly. Fuel in a tank can appear under small pressure and can escape outside, creating danger.
The stopper of a gasoline tank is supplied with a carving and the ratchet mechanism.
Fig. 1.27. Opening and closing of the petrolbulk hatch
For opening turn a stopper counterclockwise – without hurrying that excessive pressure managed to fall (fig. 1.27). For closing turn a stopper clockwise and tighten to a characteristic crash of the ratchet mechanism. It demonstrates reliable closing of a cover.
In need of replacement of a stopper of a gasoline tank, get an original stopper of Suzuki or equivalent to it. Use of an improper stopper can lead to serious violation of work of power supply systems and neutralizations of exhaust gases. It can also lead to leak of fuel at accident.