1.3.16. Switch of a cleaner and washer of back glass (additional equipment)
Fig. 1.62. Modes of switching of a cleaner and washer of back glass
For inclusion of a back screen wiper turn (at the ignition key in the provision of "ON") the switch (the handle on the end of the lever) clockwise to the provision of "ON". If the car has a position of "INT", then the turn of the handle to this situation will include faltering work of a back steklooochisti-tel. For switching off turn the handle counterclockwise to "OFF". For a bystry obmyv of back glass when the screen wiper is switched off ("by ORR), turn the switch counterclockwise and hold it in such situation. The screen wiper at the same time will also join and will work while the switch keeps and liquid moves.
When the screen wiper is included ("ON"), for washing off of glass it is necessary to turn the switch clockwise to capacity and to hold it in such situation.
Before inclusion of a back screen wiper remove from brushes and from glass ice and packed snow. Jamming of brushes on congestions of ice and snow can lead to failure of the electric motor of the drive of screen wipers.