6.1.14. Removal and installation of the amplifier of brakesRemoval
Remove main the cylinder from the amplifier, see. "Details of the amplifier of brakes" and "Removal and installation of the main cylinder".
Disconnect a vacuum hose from the amplifier, see. "Details of the amplifier of brakes".
Remove the vacuum pipeline of the amplifier of brakes.
Support the engine by a jack.
Remove a pin of a pusher and turn off nuts of fastening of the amplifier, then remove the amplifier.
Check and adjust a gap between a rod of the amplifier and the piston of the main cylinder. See." check and adjustment of the amplifier of brakes".
Check and adjust distance between the adjusting surface of the amplifier (without consolidation) and the center of an opening of a pin, see. "Check and adjustment of the amplifier of brakes".
Establish the amplifier 4 on a motor board. Connect a fork of a pusher 5 to the pedal lever a pin 2 with a clip of 5 (fig. 6.33).
Tighten nuts of fastening of the amplifier 3 the nominal force of an inhaling.
Moment of an inhaling of a nut of fastening of the amplifier A: 13 N · m.
Install the vacuum pipeline of the amplifier.
Install the case of the air filter on a car body.
Install the main cylinder on the amplifier, see. "Removal and installation of the main cylinder".
Fill in brake fluid in the tank.
Remove air from the brake system.
Check pedal height over a floor and a free wheeling of a pedal, see. "Check of height of a pedal of a brake" and "Check of a free wheeling of a pedal of a brake".
Execute the brake test and check all established details for liquid leak existence.