2.2.19. Check of a valvate spring
Being guided by the provided data, be convinced that each spring is in normal technical condition, and has no signs of breakage or easing. Remember that the weakened valvate springs can be the cause of knock (valves), without speaking about a possibility of deceleration of power of the engine owing to the leak of gases caused by the lowered valve clip pressure.
Length of a valvate spring in a free state
Nominal rate: 36,83 mm.
Extreme value: 35,83 mm.
Preliminary loading of a valvate spring
Nominal rate: 107–125 N at 31,50 mm.
Extreme value: 102 N at 31,50 mm.
Perpendicularity of a spring
Fig. 2.125. Check of perpendicularity of a valvate spring
Use a square and a testing plate for check of perpendicularity of a spring which size is indirectly estimated on a gap between the top end of a valvate spring and the square (fig. 2.125) put to it. Valvate springs for which the specified gap exceeds extreme value have to be replaced by new.
Extreme value of perpendicularity of a valvate spring: 1,6 mm.