2.2.23. Check of piston fingers and rodsPiston finger
Check a piston finger, an opening in the top head of a rod and an opening in the piston for existence of wear or damages, paying special attention to a condition of the plug in the top head of a rod. If the piston finger, an opening in the top head of a rod or in the piston have excessive wear or are damaged, replace a finger, a rod and/or the piston.
Gap of a piston finger
Check gaps between a piston finger and the plug in the top head of a rod and between a piston finger and an opening in the piston. Replace a rod and/or the piston if its top head is strongly worn-out or has damages or if the measured gap exceeds extreme value.
Fig. 2.142. Measurement of a gap of a piston finger
Gap between a piston finger and the plug of the top head of a rod: 0,003–0,014 mm.
Piston: 0,006–0,017 mm.
Diameter of an opening in the top head of a rod: 20,003–20,011 mm.
Diameter of a piston finger: 19,997–20,000 mm.
Diameter of an opening under a piston finger: 20,006–20,014 mm.
Side gap of the lower head of a rod
Fig. 2.143. Measurement of a gap of the lower head of a rod
Check a side gap of the lower head of a rod, at the same time the rod with inserts has to be established on the corresponding conrod neck. If the measured gap, exceeds extreme value, replace a rod.
Nominal rate of a gap: 0,25–0,40 mm.
Limit znacheniyezazor: 0,55 mm.
Check of a rod
Fix a rod on an adjusting pin to check it for existence of a bend and twisting. If extreme values are exceeded, replace a rod.
Rod geometry
Extreme value on a bend: 0,05 mm.
Extreme value on twisting: 0,10 mm.